How many lessons does it take to learn to drive? What a great question! There is no simple answer to that question. Every student is different! They have different backgrounds, different natural skillsets, and learn in different ways and at different rates. But, we’ve compiled some good approximations below.

All of these estimates are based on the assumption that the student will get SEVERAL HOURS of practice between each lesson to hone the skills that are taught. If the student is unable to practice between lessons for any reason, plan on MORE lessons and closer together! Learning to drive is like learning to do anything else, it takes constant practice.

How many lessons does it take to learn to drive?

Beginning Drivers
Beginning Drivers
If the student is completely new to driving, never been behind the wheel, no prior experience with go-karts or golf carts, or anything of the sort, we recommend at least 12 lessons and ample supervised practice between lessons. We will begin with the very basics of driving and progress at the student’s pace.
Slightly Experienced Drivers
Slightly Experienced Drivers
If the student can at least drive around the block smoothly and confidently, make a smooth and proper stop at a stop sign, and knows how to use a turn signal, they may require fewer lessons. Plan on 8-10 lessons with plenty of supervised practice between lessons. After a brief check-out on the basics, we’ll move this student out into traffic and more advanced situations as we feel they are ready.
Experienced Drivers
Experienced Drivers
If the student has been driving for at least 6 months, has had lots of practice, and gets around confidently, but just needs to be checked out and may be taken to the next level, then 4-8 lessons would be appropriate. We’ll check them out in a variety of situations and make sure they are doing everything correctly, and prepare them for their Road Test.
Very Experienced Drivers
Very Experienced Drivers
If the student is confident and ready to go get their license, but they are nervous about the road test we can normally prepare them with as little as two lessons. We’ll do an evaluation of general driving, and focus on road test skills and preparation. Before testing, the student will likely require additional practice in the car that they will be taking their Road Test in. It is also possible that we may recommend additional lessons based on the evaluation.

More or Less
More or Less
As driving instructors, it is EXTREMELY rare that we are ever given enough time with a student that we feel we’ve been able to cover “everything”. We understand that everyone has budgets and schedules to work within, and as such, OUR time is often limited. We have to prioritize what we teach based on the time available, and on the skill level of the student. It’s a compromise that we hate to have to make, but we do it every day. So, sure, we make more money with more lessons… but, that’s NOT the sole reason why we will always recommend MORE rather than LESS. If we can get it, we’d much prefer to have the time to thoroughly do our job.

And when it comes right down to it… the difference between 8 lessons and 12 lessons is only about $300. How much is your insurance deductible? How much is the injury of ANY person worth? Driving lessons are worth the investment.

Senior Driving Lessons
Senior Driving Lessons
Some driving schools shun adult students. Not us! We’re happy to teach new drivers of any age or offer refresher training for any driver who needs it. All we ask is that you approach your driving lessons with an open mind. Some of the things you were taught years ago may have changed, and the world has certainly changed! The above guidelines would still apply to an adult or senior driving student. Take as many lessons as you need based on your level of experience, and we’ll teach at your level.
Please understand that regardless of how many years of experience you may have, we will ALWAYS start with a basic evaluation of driving skills and work our way up to more complex situations. Be patient with us, we’ll be patient with you, and if it is at all possible, you’ll come out a more skilled and safer driver!